CHNI-Stratzing NÖM/NÖJM [BFV 10201] - 10-12 Sep 2010


AF1AL Fünfgang F1 - Allgemeine Klasse - Vorentscheidung 


01: 050 Carina Mayerhofer [AL] [Schwabenlandl (OÖ)] - Galdur frá Flagbjarnarholti6,20
  VE 6,3 - 6,2 - 6,1 - 6,2 - 6,2 
02: 129 Thordis Hoyos [AL] [Panoramahof (ST)] - Þórarinn frá Oddhóli5,97
  VE 6,0 - 6,6 - 5,8 - 6,0 - 5,9 
03: 133 Claudia Robek [AL] [Stefanihof (NÖ)] - Túmi von Stefanihof5,57
  VE 5,5 - 5,4 - 5,8 - 5,6 - 5,6 
04: 004 Valdimar Audunsson [AL] [Frelsi (NÖ)] - Indridi frá Oddholi4,83
  VE 4,8 - 5,1 - 4,6 - 5,0 - 4,7 
05: 060 Petra Busam [AL] [Sachsengang (NÖ)] - Hersir frá Hofi3,03
  VE 3,2 - 3,1 - 3,0 - 3,0 - 2,9 

FEIF is bringing people together in their passion for the Icelandic horse

Erstellt am 12 September 2010 16:06:19 
IceTest 1.1.680 - FEIF - International Federation of Icelandic Horse Associations -